Everyday Life

Various Song Lyrics I Enjoy

Fly me to the Moon
Bart Howard

Fly me to the moon
And let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On Jupiter and Mars


Random Noodle Induced Rant

they are good. they are tasty. they go great with a good cup of tea.
ramen, pasta, noodles… whatever you call them, they are what makes
life worth living. coming home and fixing up a double pack of beef
ramen and a cup of cool earl grey tea is one of the finer things in


‘For the Touch of Your Love’ Poem

The other love poem i wrote.

For the touch of your love
Azmaria Dei Post
Circa 2008


‘For you My Eternal Love’ Poem

Yes I was in love once. That ended in a lot of heartache and strife that i’m still trying to get over.

for you my eternal love
Azmaria Dei Post
Circa 2008

Story Bits

‘Story Bread’

I started writing this when i was in England back in 2005-2006. I finished the first 2 parts and left part 3 unfinished and stopped there. call it writer’s block i guess…

Part 1: Erste
Picture a clear spring sky. Complete with white cottony clouds sailing across a blue sky like a flotilla of whales in the sea. As you look down you see the treetops of a lush jungle splayed out before you, the breeze sending ripples across them like waves on a beach.